Laceworks Software

Laceworks Software was the business name I registered in Australia when I was writing iOS apps as an independent software developer. In 2013 I moved to Seattle, and now work full-time as a Software Engineer. I keep this site for side-projects, and to archive old projects.


BriteLamp is a project I designed and built during the holidays in late 2014. BriteLamp uses an iPhone or iPad, connected to an Arduino using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) to control a string of ShiftBrite RGB LEDs.

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Arduino Lilypad Bag

In 2010, Knitty magazine published a pattern for the Know-It-All Bag, knitted bag using a Lilypad processor to count rows and show lace patterns using LEDs. As a lace knitter who had been coding for years, it looked interesting, so this became my first Arduino project.

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Meet on Time!

Meet on Time! was my first iOS app, and has been through several updates. It's still available in the app store, but hasn't been updated for over a year, so it's starting to show its age.

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After some brainstorming with my family, I wrote SpaceFlik, a multi-player iOS game for iPhone and iPad. I wrote the music, drew the graphics, created the sprites, and wrote the networking code. I haven't tried it for a while, and it has not been updated for recent iOS releases - it was fun, but didn't have much replay value.

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